Monday, May 25, 2020

Infancy Infant, Family, and Society Free Essay Example, 1000 words

Avery looked keenly at the wing, spread his hands with the wing on one of his hands, and left running as he shouted, Buuzzzzzzzzz! He then stopped and looked at his pair of short at the knee area, it looked dirty! Avery ran back to the teacher saying, Teacher see! Teacher see, as he pointed at his knees. The teacher took out a piece of cloth from her pocket and wiped the dirt on Avery s short. Before it was long, the teacher began calling the children to get back to the classroom. After I was through observing Avery for this particular day, I went back home and read the book, Infancy: Infant, family and society by Alan Fogel. After reading Chapter 11 of this book, I got to understand that children of the same age as Avery pass through physical, social, emotional, intellectual and moral development ( (Fogel, 2014, p. 368)). In this book, Fogel puts it clear that play makes a child learn more and more new things every day. Children are very aggressive at trying to discover new things that they are knowing for the first time. We will write a custom essay sample on Infancy: Infant, Family, and Society or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/pageorder now For example, during my observation, when Avery came across the wing of an insect, he apparently did not know what it was. He then asked his teacher about it without hesitating. Through this, we can say that Avery is developing intellectually by trying to explore things around him (Fogel, 2014). By Avery making a car out of the soil, he was demonstrating a physical development through using his fingers to make items out of clay and intellectual development by knowing that he can make his car out of the soil. When Avery slapped another child who laughed at him, this was deliberate. It shows that Avery has developed morally and he knows that any wrong done should be compensated by a punishment. During the observation, I found out that Avery tried to play with other kids and wanted other people around him like his teacher to assist him where he needed help. He, therefore, tries to derive self-solutions to the simple problems he encounters hence, he deve lops socially. Avery also tries to learn through demonstration and we see this as he tries to demonstrate how to fly after the teacher demonstrated it to him.

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