Wednesday, November 27, 2019

The Loss Of Innocence Essays - Songs Of Innocence And Of Experience

The Loss Of Innocence Essays - Songs Of Innocence And Of Experience The Loss Of Innocence Innocence is such a precious gift. For those who do not know what exactly innocence is, the Merriam-Webster dictionary defines innocence as, freedom from guilt or sin through being unacquainted with evil. When do humans in general have little or no guilt and worries? In the days of our youth, everything is much simpler. Remember never going to work, paying bills, supporting a family, and doing all the other things that is expected from an adult? All children worry about is having a good time. Children take almost nothing seriously. They can care less about women, popularity, money, or the future. Some people however, feel that innocence is the worst time of anyones life. This brings up the question whether or not innocence is important in life or not. Although it seems as if decisions and events made during a persons childhood are totally irrelevant towards the rest of his/her life, these factors make a tremendous impact on the type of adult a person becomes. For example, it is commonly known that most children who had abusive parents have grown up to be just the same. If a child had very loving and caring parents, chances are the child will grow to be very loving towards his/her children. A child doesnt know any better during the stage of innocence and is unable to reasonably distinguish the differences between right and wrong. The child who abuses his kids as an adult was brought up that way himself. In his own mind, he feels this is the right way to discipline his children. This shows that innocence does play an important part in everyones life. Just imagine never having to worry about anything, having a guilt free mind, and being able to do just about anything that can not be done as adults. Holden Caufeild from the book The Catcher in the Rye by J. D. Salinger, wishes innocence was never lost. To Holden, the perfect example of innocence is his little sister Phoebe. Phoebe has absolutely no hatred towards anyone or anything, as well as no worries. Holden wants to save this kind of innocence from being lost in the transition from childhood to adulthood. What would the world be like if innocence were never lost? One way it would benefit humanity is the lack of hatred among the world. During youth, their may be an occasional argument of some sort, maybe even a little physical fight, but nothing like firing a handgun at a fellow human being. Children are blind towards the race and ethnicity of others. A kid will hang out with another kid no matter what, it is the lack of innocence and the ignorance we learn from adults that manipulate children otherwise. Think of all the things that the human race can achieve if we all put our minds together. Another way keeping innocence alive would benefit humanity is the constant craving for fun and adventure. As adults, people have very little if any time at all do things that they enjoy. The adventurous mind is lost in time with the responsibilities that are bestowed upon adults. Once again, if innocence were kept alive, these ambitions would never depart from our lives. As adults people also have more freedom to go places and to do certain things, making it easier to do the things, which they wanted to but could not do during childhood. Who wouldnt want to live in a world were having fun was always the main priority of life? Some people actually despise the idea of innocence lasting for all eternity. They do believe that innocence is probably the greatest time of anyones life. They do however, feel that the lack of organization and mental capacity of those without innocence would have a tremendously devastating impact on society in general. With the ongoing life of innocence, a large portion of individuals would never have the urge to learn, work, and act upon the necessary needs for humanity to survive. Without a proper education which is usually provided by those who no longer live in a world of innocence, people would not have the mental abilities to get a good job in life, thus providing little income for

Saturday, November 23, 2019

The Natural History of the Galapagos Islands

The Natural History of the Galapagos Islands The Natural History of the Galapagos Islands: The Galpagos Islands are a wonder of nature. Located off the coast of Ecuador, these remote islands have been called â€Å"evolution’s laboratory† because their remoteness, isolation from one another and different ecological zones have allowed plant and animal species to adapt and evolve undisturbed. The Galapagos Islands have a long and interesting natural history. The Birth of the Islands: The Galapagos Islands were created by volcanic activity deep in the Earths crust under the ocean. Like Hawaii, the Galapagos Islands were formed by what geologists call a hot spot. Basically, a hot spot is a place in the Earths core which is much hotter than usual. As the plates making up the Earths crust move over the hot spot, it essentially burns a hole in them, creating volcanoes. These volcanoes rise up out of the sea, forming islands: the lava stone they produce shapes the topography of the islands. The Galapagos Hot Spot: In Galapagos, the Earth’s crust is moving from west to east over the hot spot. Therefore, the islands that are furthest to the east, such as San Cristà ³bal, are the oldest: they were formed many thousands of years ago. Because these older islands are no longer over the hot spot, they are no longer volcanically active. Meanwhile, islands in the western part of the archipelago, such as Isabela and Fernandina, were created only recently, geologically speaking. They are still over the hot spot and still very active volcanically. As the islands move away from the hot spot, they tend to wear down and become smaller. Animals Arrive to Galapagos: The islands are home to many species of birds and reptiles but relatively few native insects and mammals. The reason for this is simple: it’s not easy for most animals to get there. Birds, of course, can fly there. Other Galapagos animals were washed there on vegetation rafts. For example, an iguana might fall into a river, cling to a fallen branch and get swept out to sea, arriving to the islands after days or weeks. Surviving at sea for such a long time is easier for a reptile than it is for a mammal. For this reason, the large herbivores on the islands are reptiles like tortoises and iguanas, not mammals like goats and horses. Animals Evolve: Over the course of thousands of years, animals will change to fit their environment and adapt to any existing â€Å"vacancy† in a particular ecological zone. Take the famous Darwin’s finches of Galapagos. Long ago, a single finch found its way to Galapagos, where it laid eggs which would eventually hatch into a small finch colony. Over the years, fourteen different sub-species of finch have evolved there. Some of them hop on the ground and eat seeds, some stay in trees and eat insects. The finches changed to fit in where there was not already some other animal or bird eating the available food or using the available nesting sites. Arrival of Humans: The arrival of humans to the Galapagos Islands shattered the delicate ecological balance that had reigned there for ages. The islands were first discovered in 1535 but for a long time they were ignored. In the 1800s, the Ecuadorian government began settling the islands. When Charles Darwin made his famous visit to Galapagos in 1835, there was already a penal colony there. Humans were very destructive in Galapagos, mostly because of predation of Galapagos species and introduction of new species. During the nineteenth century, whaling ships and pirates took tortoises for food, wiping out the Floreana Island subspecies completely and pushing others to the brink of extinction. Introduced Species: The worst damage done by humans was the introduction of new species into Galapagos. Some animals, such as goats, were released intentionally onto the islands. Others, such as rats, were brought by man unknowingly. Dozens of animal species previously unknown in the islands were suddenly turned loose there with disastrous results. Cats and dogs eat birds, iguanas and baby tortoises. Goats can strip an area clean of vegetation, leaving no food for other animals. Plants brought for food, such as the blackberry, muscled out native species. Introduced species constitute one of the gravest dangers for the Galapagos ecosystems. Other Human Problems: Introducing animals was not the only damage humans have done to Galapagos. Boats, cars and homes cause pollution, further damaging the environment. Fishing is supposedly controlled in the islands, but many make their living by illicitly fishing for sharks, sea cucumbers and lobsters out of season or beyond catch limits: this illegal activity had a great negative impact on the marine ecosystem. Roads, boats and airplanes disturb mating grounds. Solving Galapagos’ Natural Problems: The park rangers and staff of the Charles Darwin Research Station have been working for years to reverse the effects of human impact on Galapagos, and they’ve been seeing results. Feral goats, once a major problem, have been eliminated from several islands. The numbers of wild cats, dogs and pigs are also declining. The National Park has taken on the ambitious goal of eradicating introduced rats from the islands. Although activities like tourism and fishing are still taking their toll on the islands, optimists feel that the islands are in better shape than they have been for years. Source: Jackson, Michael H. Galapagos: a Natural History. Calgary: the Universityof Calgary Press, 1993.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Personal Statement for Nursing School Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

For Nursing School - Personal Statement Example This made it possible for me to experience directly some of the situations that nurses have to deal with whether good or bad as I was close to my two nurses who are nurses. Nevertheless, the first time I seriously considered committing myself to the nursing industry was when I was going to college and had to make a choice of the particular course that I wanted to enrol for. I decided to pursue this career path without any additional thought or exploration. Consequently, I decided that I would pursue my interests in nursing fully and put all my efforts to it. Before I arrived at the decision to pursue a career in nursing, I got a chance to shadow my two aunties and some of their colleagues through their interaction with patients. These experiences allowed me to have an idea of the different fields that exist in the hospital such as cardiology, pathology and radiology among others. The time that I spent with these nurses emotionally strengthened the experiences that I had initially heard my aunties talk about. The ability they had to assist people and influence their lives excited me especially the fact that every patient presented a new challenge and a chance to further develop knowledge in the field of nursing. As I was growing up, I observed my grandmother who had to live with us because he suffered from diabetes and I developed the constant need to assist her in any way possible. The visits to the hospitals where my aunts worked gave me a chance to sit in the staff room and listen to the different doctors and nurses talk after their rounds in the hospital. I always listened attentively to their conversations that interested me and was amazed at the capacity they had to diagnose different illnesses. Since I had had a chance to experience personal interactions between medical practitioners including nurses with a patient in the case of my grandmother, I recognized the importance of the relationship between the nurses and the patients. Nurses are supposed to

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

IDS Policy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

IDS Policy - Essay Example These systems could be any workstation, server or other network peripherals such as a router. The IDS system runs as a service or a process and has the ability to detect the network traffic on the host system. To save the system from past threats a "threat signature" database is present to make sure that the system is not vulnerable to those threats. Microsoft, Cisco and Tripwire etc. are some of the companies that deal in these IDS systems. (Spafford, Zamboni, 2000) 2. Network Based IDS: These are systems that confine and analyze packets on the wire. Network based IDS are used to protect the entire systems on the network unlike Host base IDS which are built for a single system. After confining the packets on the network they send it to the IDS console for inspection. Major vendors include Cisco and Symantec. As Gem infosys is a small software company having just 10 PC's and a broadband connection should not face much difficulty with the IDS system. But sometimes IDS solutions can bring out bogus alarms that may result in incorrect distribution of information. Inadequate potential and bad configuration choices are the major factors for this kind of problem. On the other hand many products need to be kept updated and well managed to avoid problems such as well updated sensors. Proc

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Roman emperor Essay Example for Free

Roman emperor Essay Roman emperor Nero has once said: â€Å"Let them hate, if they only fear†. These words can serve as an outstanding bearing of many totalitarian leaders and regimes. Fear is inspired by fear and creates fear like a chain reaction. This feature of absolute power has been noticed and described by many authors. In his â€Å"1984†, which is, undoubtedly, the most famous most famous anti-utopia of all times, George Orwell could not have disregarded the topic of fear. It is not fear itself, which makes the power of the Big Brother so strong, but fear and terror are organic elements of his influence. It is actually not even fear before the Big Brother himself, because Big Brother wants love and makes everyone love him even against their will. In case Big Brother and the ruling party were a source of fear themselves, they would never retain their power. People use to hate that what they are afraid of and to be afraid of that, what they fear, so in the â€Å"1984† society fear and hate are pointed against someone, who is outside the system. Orwell has developed the topic of such â€Å"outside† fear in his earlier story â€Å"Animal Farm†. A pig, named Napoleon, used to say, that all animals should work hard, in case they do not want Jones, a previous master, to come back. And this natural concern of the Animal Farm inhabitants is exploited by the pigs to support control over the rest of the animals. The loyal citizens of Oceania do not fear Big Brother, but in fact love and revere him. They feel he protects them from the evils out there. The purported love and hate walk closely which is illustrated in the end of the Two Minutes Hate:â€Å" At this moment the entire group of people broke into a deep, slow, rhythmic chant of B-B! . B-B! . B-B! —over and over again, very slowly, with a long pause between the first B and the second—a heavy murmurous sound, somehow curiously savage, in the background of which one seemed to hear the stamps of naked feet and the throbbing of tom-toms. For perhaps as much as thirty seconds they kept it up. It was a refrain that was often heard in moments of overwhelming emotion. Partly it was a sort of hymn to the wisdom and majesty of Big Brother, but still more it was an act of self-hypnosis, a deliberate drowning of consciousness by means of rhythmic noise. In 1984 such fear is inspired by the foreign enemies. His Oceania was engaged in constant warfare with Eastasia and/or Eurasia which kept the citizens in a constant state of mobilization and alert. Although war constantly rages on, the three powers in which the world is divided are now unconquerable. In the dictatorship of Oceania, the citizens live in fear each day, unsure exactly where the enemy bombers that fly overhead will decide to drop their missiles. Julia, even has the impression that it is Oceania itself, not the enemy, dropping bombs on the country. This is how the Inner Party takes any means to strike fear in the hearts of every citizen. Another source of fear are spies, which are said to be living between the loyal citizens, and which are sent by the symbol of all enemies Goldstein to ruin the â€Å"normal† life. Orwell starts to sketching out the features of a totally oppressive society already at the beginning of his novel. He plays on his readers fears of powerlessness and own experiences of oppression. The social surroundings of the novel are depicted on the basis of Orwells experiences of wartime London. He uses the descriptive techniques of literary naturalism to produce images of a society of extreme material deprivation: Winston Smith, his chin nuzzled into his breast in an effort to escape the vile wind, slipped quickly through the glass doors of Victory Mansions, though not quickly enough to prevent a swirl of gritty dust from entering along with him. The hallway smelt of boiled cabbage and old rag mats. Winston made for the stairs. It was no use trying the lift. Even at the best of times it was seldom working and at present the electric current was cut off during daylight hours. The flat was seven flights up, and Winston, who was thirty-nine, and had a varicose ulcer above his right ankle, went slowly, resting several times on the way. However, it is not only material fear, which drive Winston, Julia and others. It is fear of themselves, their own thoughts and opinions. Winston’s neighbor is so afraid of thinking wrong, that even when he is simply told, that his thoughts are suspicious, he makes no effort to prove, that he remains loyal to the Big Brother but trusts everything about himself and goes to the Ministry of Love for â€Å"reintegration† without any complaint. The loyal citizens should not fear, but those, who entered the Ministry of Love are suppressed by all means, including fear. The Ministry knows for sure what each single person is afraid of and uses fear as an ultimate weapon to make the convicts forget about their errors and love the Big Brother again. By fear they make Winston betray his love to Julia and turn it into adoration with Big Brother. They do not kill, they wash the brains, and so love wins. Love, which is based on fear.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Lincoln the Tyrant Essays -- Essays Papers

Lincoln the Tyrant There is no doubt that Abraham Lincoln is widely regarded as one of the great American presidents. The general public, when asked about Lincoln, will often tell the tale of a great man. Holding their head high, they will embark on the journey of a benevolent leader, praising the man who envisioned a new America: a great country of racial equality, and the pillar of human liberty. There are some, however, who have quite the opposite view. In his work, The Real Lincoln, economic historian Thomas J. DiLorenzo tells quite the different tale. Daring to criticize this beloved president, DiLorenzo defends his antithetical statements with several key points: Lincoln was more similar to a dictator than an American President. Arguing that the War Between the States was wholly unconstitutional, DiLorenzo corrects the popular misconception that Lincoln’s war was one of abolition. War was not necessary to end slavery, but it was necessary to fulfill Lincoln’s true agenda – to destroy the most significant check on the powers of the central government: the right of secession.1 During the civil war, Lincoln blatantly disregarded the U.S. Constitution and adapted his own form of government. His first step was to suspend the writ of habeas corpus. With such rights thrown away, Lincoln arbitrarily imprisoned those who publicly disagreed with his principles. American citizens accused of crimes have a constitutional right to a speedy public trial by an impartial jury, to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation, to be confronted with witnesses against them, to bring witnesses in their favor, and to have the assistance of legal counsel. On April 27, 1861, Lincoln decided that such constitutional... ...rica’s great Tyrant. Footnotes 1. Thomas J. DiLorenzo, The Real Lincoln (New York: Three Rivers Press, 2002) 9. 2. Thomas J. DiLorenzo, The Real Lincoln (New York: Three Rivers Press, 2002) 135. 3. Thomas J. DiLorenzo, The Real Lincoln (New York: Three Rivers Press, 2002) 145. 4. Thomas J. DiLorenzo, The Real Lincoln (New York: Three Rivers Press, 2002) 141. 5. Thomas J. DiLorenzo, The Real Lincoln (New York: Three Rivers Press, 2002) 150. 6. Thomas J. DiLorenzo, The Real Lincoln (New York: Three Rivers Press, 2002) 35. 7. Thomas J. DiLorenzo, The Real Lincoln (New York: Three Rivers Press, 2002) 11. 8. Thomas J. DiLorenzo, The Real Lincoln (New York: Three Rivers Press, 2002) 48. 9. Thomas J. DiLorenzo, The Real Lincoln (New York: Three Rivers Press, 2002) 275. 10. Thomas J. DiLorenzo, The Real Lincoln (New York: Three Rivers Press, 2002) 269.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Foundation by Isaac Asimov Essay

Foundation is the first novel in Isaac Asimov’s Foundation Trilogy (later expanded into The Foundation Series). Foundation is a collection of five short stories, which were first published together as a book by Gnome Press in 1951 which, together, form a single plot. Foundation saw multiple publications—it also appeared in 1955 as part of Ace Double D-110 under the title â€Å"The 1,000-Year Plan†. Four of the stories were originally published inAstounding Magazine (with different titles) between 1942 and 1944, and the fifth was added when they first appeared in book form. A further two books of short stories were published shortly after, and decades later, Asimov wrote two further sequel novels and two prequels. Later writers have added authorized tales to the series. The Foundation Series is often regarded as one of Isaac Asimov’s best works, along with his Robot series. Plot summary Foundation tells the story of a group of scientists who seek to preserve knowledge as the civilizations around them begin to regress. The Psychohistorians (0 F.E.) (First published as the book edition in 1951) Set in the year 0 F.E., The Psychohistorians opens on Trantor, the capital of the 12,000-year-old Galactic Empire. Though the empire appears stable and powerful, it is slowly decaying in ways that parallel the decline of the Western Roman Empire. Hari Seldon, a mathematician and psychologist, has developed psychohistory, a new field of science and psychology that equates all possibilities in large societies to mathematics, allowing for the prediction of future events. Using psychohistory, Seldon has discovered the declining nature of the Empire, angering the aristocratic members of the Committee of Public Safety, the de facto rulers of the Empire. The Committee considers Seldon’s views and statements treasonous, and he is arrested along with young mathematician Gaal Dornick, who has arrived on Trantor to meet Seldon. Seldon is tried by the Committee and defends his beliefs, explaining his theories and predictions, including his belief that the Empire will collapse in 500 years and enter a 30,000-year dark age, to the Committee’s members. He informs the Committee that an alternative to this future is attainable, and explains to them that creating a compendium of all human knowledge, the Encyclopedia Galactica, would not avert the inevitable fall of the Empire but would reduce the dark age to one millennium. The skeptical Committee, not wanting to make Seldon a martyr, offers him exile to a remote world, Terminus, with others who could help him create the Encyclopedia. He accepts their offer, prepares for the departure of the â€Å"Encyclopedists† and receives an imperial decree officially acknowledging his actions. The Encyclopedists (50 F.E.) (published May 1942 as â€Å"Foundation†) Set in 50 F.E., The Encyclopedists begins on Terminus, which has no mineral resources but one region suitable for the development of large city, named Terminus City. The colony of professionals, devoted to the creation of the Encyclopedia, is managed by the Board of Trustees of the Encyclopedia Galactica Foundation, composed solely of scientists. The affairs of Terminus City itself are handled by the city’s mayor, Salvor Hardin, who is virtually powerless due to the influence of the Board of Trustees. However, Hardin does not accept the status quo, which he believes puts Terminus in danger of political exploitation by the neighboring prefects of the Empire, which have declared independence and severed contact with Trantor. Hardin, recognizing the imminent downfall of imperial power due to the loss of the Empire’s outermost region, decides that the only way to ensure Terminus’s continued survival is to pit the four neighboring â€Å"kingdoms† against one an other. Hardin manages to avoid an attempt by the Kingdom of Anacreon to establish military bases on Terminus and to take advantage of nuclear power, which Terminus retains but which the Four Kingdoms do not. Hardin succeeds in diverting Anacreon from its initial goal and furthers his goal of the establishment of a stable political system on Terminus. Hardin’s efforts, however, are still resisted by the Board of Trustees and its chairman, Dr. Louis Pirenne. To remove this obstacle, Hardin and his chief advisor, Yohan Lee, plan a coup d’etat designed to remove the Board of Trustees from its politically powerful position on the same day that, in the city’s Time Vault, a holographic recording of Hari Seldon is programmed to play. The recording will contain psychohistoric proof of Hardin’s success or failure; Hardin realizes that his coup is a great gamble due to the possible case that his beliefs are incompatible with Seldon’s original goals. The next day in the Time Vault the holographic video of Hari Seldon appears. He is in his wheelchair and his voice is old and soft. He reveals that the Encyclopedia Galactica is a distraction intended to make the colony’s creation possible. The true purpose of the Foundation is to form one nucleus of a Second Galactic Empire and shorten the predicted period of chaos to a mere thousand years, rather than thirty thousand years. After the video ends, the Board of Trustees admits they were wrong to Hardin and schedule a meeting to discuss their next action. Hardin smiles, knowing they would be giving orders no longer. Out there in Terminus City Yohan Lee’s men were already in control. In two days time Anacreon would be landing in force, but that was fine, in six months they would be giving orders no longer as well. Salvor Hardin had guessed the solution, and as Hari Seldon said, it was obvious. The Mayors (80 F.E.) (published June 1942 as â€Å"Bridle and Saddle†) Set in 80 F.E., three decades after the events of The Encyclopedists, The Mayors is set in a time where the Encyclopedia Foundation’s scientific understanding has given it significant leverage over the Four Kingdoms, though it is still isolated from the Galactic Empire. Exercising its control over the region through an artificial religion, Scientism, the Foundation shares its technology with the Four Kingdoms while referring to it as religious truth. Maintenance technicians comprise Scientism’s priesthood, trained on Terminus. A majority of the priests themselves are unaware of the true importance of their â€Å"religion†, referring to advanced technology as â€Å"holy food†. The religion is not suppressed by the secular elite of the Four Kingdoms, reminscient of Western European rulers of the early medieval period, who use it to consolidate their power over the zealous populaces. Salvor Hardin, as Mayor of Terminus City, is the effective ruler of the Foun dation, and has been reelected as mayor continuously since his political victory over the Encyclopedia Galactica Board of Trustees. However, his influence is suddenly checked by a new political movement led by city councillor Sef Sermak, which encourages direct action against the Four Kingdoms and a cessation of the scientific proselytizing encouraged by Hardin’s administration. The movement, whose followers refer to themselves as Actionists, is wildly popular, and Hardin is unable to appease Sermak and the Actionist leadership. The kingdom that is most concerning to the Actionists is that of Anacreon, ruled by Prince Regent Wienis and his nephew, the teenaged King Lepold I. Wienis plans to overthrow the Foundation’s power by launching a direct military assault against Terminus, making use of an abandoned Imperial space cruiser redesigned by Foundation experts to fit the needs of the elite Anacreonian navy. However, Hardin orders several secret technological devices to be incorporated into the ship’s design prior to its completion. Wienis plans to launch his offensive on the night of his nephew’s coronation as king and sole ruler of Anacreon. Hardin attends the coronation ceremony and is arrested, but has arranged with Anacreonian High Priest Poly Verisof, who is aware of the true nature of Scientism, to foster a popular uprising against Wienis. Convincing the Anacreonian populace that an assault against the Foundation and Terminus is blasphemous, Verisof leads an infuriated mob to the royal palace and surrounds it, demanding Hardin’s release. Meanwhile, the crew of the space cruiser mutinies against its commander, Admiral Prince Lefkin, Wienis’s son. Lefkin confronts the mutineers and, captured, is forced to broadcast a message to Anacreon demanding Wienis’s arrest and threatening a bombardment of the royal palace if that and other demands are not met . Wienis, maddened by his failure, orders Hardin’s execution, but his royal guardsmen refuse to obey him. Attempting and failing, due to a protective energy field, to kill Hardin personally, Wienis commits suicide. Hardin is proven correct again upon his return to Terminus City by another Seldon recording, set to play at this date. Though Actionists continue to hold a significant amount of power, an attempt to impeach the mayor fails and his popularity is renewed among the city’s residents. It is also confirmed by Hari Seldon that the Foundation’s immediate neighbors, the Four Kingdoms, will now be virtually powerless and incapable of resisting Scientism’s advance. The Traders (About 135 F.E.) (published October 1944 as â€Å"The Wedge†) The events of The Traders are set around 135 F.E., at a time during which the Foundation has expanded greatly and has sent out officially sanctioned Traders to exchange technology with neighboring planets for what amounts to greater political and economic power. Master Trader Eskel Gorov, also an agent of the Foundation government, has traveled to the worlds of Askone, where he hopes to trade nucleics. Gorov, however, is met with resistance by Askone’s governing Elders due to traditional taboos that effectively ban advanced technology. Gorov is imprisoned and sentenced to death; the Elders refuse Foundation requests for clemency. Trader Linmar Ponyets is ordered by the Foundation to try and negotiate with the Elders, and travels to the central Askonian planet. Ponyets meets with the Elders’ Grand Master and deduces that, though he is determined to have Gorov executed, he may be willing to exchange the captive for a suitable bribe, which Ponyets realizes would be a sum o f gold. Ponyets clumsily fashions a transmuter that will convert iron into gold. The Grand Master informs Ponyets that others who have attempted this have failed and have been punished with execution for both their attempt and for their failure; Ponyets succeeds and convinces the Grand Master that the gold is appropriate for Askonian religious decoration, which pleases the Elders. Councilor Pherl, the Grand Master’s protà ©gà ©, appears to be wary of Ponyets. Meeting with the Councilor, Ponyets discovers that Pherl is instead quite willing to work with him, if only due to the chances of eventually attaining the Grand Mastership himself. Pherl, from a different ethnic background than traditional Grand Masters and a young man, believes that a stable supply of gold will be able to dramatically increase his power, and Ponyets provides him with the transmuter. It appears that the friendly Pherl will ascend to the Grand Mastership, while Gorov is released quickly. Ponyets discusses his success with Gorov, who criticizes his techniques due to what he perceives as Ponyets’s lack of morality. Ponyets replies by reminding Gorov of an alleged statement made by Salvor Hardin: â€Å"Never let your sense of morals prevent you from doing what is right!† The Merchant Princes (About 155 F.E.) (published August 1944 as â€Å"The Big and the Little†) Set around 155 F.E., The Merchant Princes takes places against the backdrop of a powerful Foundation, which has subjugated the neighboring Four Kingdoms and expanded its commercial and technological empire throughout numerous stellar systems. However, it continues to meet resistance, and three Foundation vessels have vanished near the planets of the Republic of Korell, a nation suspected of independent technological development. Master Trader Hober Mallow is assigned to deal with Korell and also to investigate their technological developments and find the missing ships. Those who have assigned this mission to Mallow, Foreign Secretary Publius Manlio and the Mayor’s secretary, Jorane Sutt, believe that a â€Å"Seldon Crisis† is underway; they fear that domestic tensions caused by the great autonomy given to Traders and shaky foreign relations may give rise to a nuclear conflict involving the Foundation. Sutt and Manlio, believing that they can weaken the Traders by staging an embarrassing diplomatic incident, plant an agent aboard Mallow’s ship. The agent, a respected Trader, invites a Foundation missionary onto the ship once it reaches Korell. Such missionaries are forbidden to enter Korell, and an angry mob immediately surrounds the ship, demanding the missionary. This rapid response in a remote location arouses Mallow’s suspicions, and Mallow gives the missionary to the mob, despite the frantic intervention of the agent. Later, Mallow meets with Korell’s authoritarian ruler, Commdor Asper Argo, who appears friendly and welcomes Foundation technological gifts. Argo refuses to allow Scientism on Korell, and Mallow agrees not to encourage missionary work in the Republic. Mallow is invited to tour a steel foundry belonging to Korell’s government, where he notes guards carrying atomic handguns. He is surprised to discover that these weapons bear the markings of the Galactic Empire, which the Foundation assumes has fallen by this time. Mallow’s discoveries lead him to believe that the Empire may be attempting to expand into the Periphery again, and has been providing weapons to client states such as Korell. Leaving the Republic and his ship, he journeys alone to the planet Siwenna, which he believes may be the capital of an Imperial province. He finds Siwenna a desolate and sad place, and meets the impoverished patrician Onum Barr in the latter’s isolated mansion, which is slowly crumbling. Barr, a former provincial senator and a leading citizen, had served in the Imperial government on Siwenna during a fairly stable time several decades earlier, before a series of corrupt and ambitious viceroys who each harbored dreams of becoming Emperor. After the previous viceroy rebelled against the Emperor, Barr participated in a revolution that overthrew the viceroy. However, the Imperial fleet also sent to remove the viceroy wanted to conquer a rebellious province even if it was no longer in rebellion, and began a massacre that claimed the lives of all but one of Barr’s children. Mallow is tried for murder upon his return to Terminus, due to turning over the Foundation missionary to the mob. However, he is able to convince the court that the â€Å"missionary† was in fact a Korellian secret policeman who played a part in the conspiracy against the Traders manufactured by Sutt and Manlio. Acquitted, Mallow is received with delight by the population of Terminus, which will almost undoubtedly select him as Mayor in the elections scheduled to take place in the following year. To prepare for the election, Mallow engineers the arrest of Sutt and Manlio, and eventually takes office. However, he is soon faced with tensions between the Foundation and Korell, which declares war on the Foundation, using its powerful Imperial flotilla to attack Foundation ships. Instead of counterattacking, Mallow takes no action, waiting until the lack of Foundation goods forces Korell to surrender.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Sour Grapes

During the problem solving process, Quality Ice Cream Company will need to have a structured approach to determining a solution. There are seven tools that Quality can use to improve their processes during production of the ice cream. These tools are: flow charts, run charts, process-control charts, check sheets, Parent diagrams, cause-and-effect diagrams, and scatter diagrams (Shower, p. 182). Each of these will help the identification of the variation that is happening and will also aid in the analysis, documentation ND organization of the information.This will help with process improvement. â€Å"They are simple but powerful tools that can be of significant value throughout the problem-solving and continuous-improvement processes (Shower, p. 183). † The first place for Quality to start is with a flow chart. The flow chart can show the relationship between the activities and tasks for each process, and give a better idea of how the rejections are happening. Next, a scatter d iagram can be run from the data collected.This will show the link between he run time and viscosity of the ice cream. This type of tool can also determine how long the ice cream should be mixed to avoid soapiness and stiffness. From the ten days of data collected, it seems as though the run time is too short resulting in a too soupy mixture (Shower, p. 201-202). After a more suitable run time is determined Quality can then look into the other problems causing the rejects. Aside from the soapiness causing most of the rejects, there are other problems.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Free Essays on Jeffrey Dahmers Victims

Introduction Jeffrey Dahmer was born in Milwaukee May 21 1960 to Joyce and Lionel Dahmer Little did his parents know at the time of his birth that there son would become one of America's most famous serial killers not only for the amount of victims which he had killed but also for dismembering them and his necrophilia tendencies. There were warning signs through his up bring but they were blown off as just child behavior. His father recalls in his book when Jeffrey was around the age of six his father had swept the bones of a dead animal out from under the porch. He said he could see the excitement on Jeffrey’s face at the sounds the bones made rattling together. It would not belong before he was patrolling the roadsides looking for fresh road kill to take home and dissect. Dahmer by the age of fourteen had begun fantasizing about killing men and having sex with them. It would not be until after Jeffrey graduated from high school. Victim 1 A Nineteen year old Steven Hicks was walking along side the road on a hot June day. He was more than happy to except a ride from what seemed to be such a nice guy. The two hit it off, according to Dahmer’s case file and returned to Dahmer’s home. Reports differ some say that the two drank beer and hung out while others claim the two drank until drunk and then had sex. (Dahmer claimed they had consensual sex) Dahmer then admitted that he became outraged when Hick’s decided to leave, he calmly hit him in the head with a dumb bell killing him. To dispose of the body he cut it up and packed it in plastic bags, which he buried in woods behind his parent’s home. That fall Jeffrey attended Ohio State University were he flunked out the first semester. By the end of 1978 he had voluntarily enlisted in the army and was stationed in Germany. He remained there for a few years until he was discharged for alcoholism. At the time of discharge he briefly lived in Florida before returning to... Free Essays on Jeffrey Dahmer's Victims Free Essays on Jeffrey Dahmer's Victims Introduction Jeffrey Dahmer was born in Milwaukee May 21 1960 to Joyce and Lionel Dahmer Little did his parents know at the time of his birth that there son would become one of America's most famous serial killers not only for the amount of victims which he had killed but also for dismembering them and his necrophilia tendencies. There were warning signs through his up bring but they were blown off as just child behavior. His father recalls in his book when Jeffrey was around the age of six his father had swept the bones of a dead animal out from under the porch. He said he could see the excitement on Jeffrey’s face at the sounds the bones made rattling together. It would not belong before he was patrolling the roadsides looking for fresh road kill to take home and dissect. Dahmer by the age of fourteen had begun fantasizing about killing men and having sex with them. It would not be until after Jeffrey graduated from high school. Victim 1 A Nineteen year old Steven Hicks was walking along side the road on a hot June day. He was more than happy to except a ride from what seemed to be such a nice guy. The two hit it off, according to Dahmer’s case file and returned to Dahmer’s home. Reports differ some say that the two drank beer and hung out while others claim the two drank until drunk and then had sex. (Dahmer claimed they had consensual sex) Dahmer then admitted that he became outraged when Hick’s decided to leave, he calmly hit him in the head with a dumb bell killing him. To dispose of the body he cut it up and packed it in plastic bags, which he buried in woods behind his parent’s home. That fall Jeffrey attended Ohio State University were he flunked out the first semester. By the end of 1978 he had voluntarily enlisted in the army and was stationed in Germany. He remained there for a few years until he was discharged for alcoholism. At the time of discharge he briefly lived in Florida before returning to...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Differences Between Allopathic and Osteopathic Medicine

Differences Between Allopathic and Osteopathic Medicine There are two basic types of medical training: allopathic and osteopathic. The traditional medical degree, the Doctor of Medicine (M.D.), requires training in allopathic medicine while osteopathic medical schools award the Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine (D.O.) degree. Students hoping to achieve either degree attend medical schools and receive substantial training (4 years, not including residency), and other than the osteopathic students ability to administer osteopathic medicine, there is no real marked difference between the two programs. Training The curricula of both schools are similar. State licensing agencies and most hospitals and residency programs recognize the degrees as equivalent. In other words, osteopathic doctors are legally and professionally equivalent to allopathic doctors. The important difference between the two types of schools of training is that osteopathic medical schools take a holistic perspective on the practice of medicine based on a belief in treating the whole patient (mind-body-spirit) and the primacy of the musculoskeletal system in human health and the utility of osteopathic manipulative treatment. D.O. recipients emphasize prevention, a historical distinction which is less relevant as all of the medicine increasingly emphasizes prevention. Biomedical and clinical sciences take the forefront of both degrees training programs, requiring students of both fields to complete relatively the same course load (anatomy, microbiology, pathology, etc), but the osteopathic student additionally takes courses focused on hands-on manual medicine, including an additional 300-500 hours of study in manipulating the musculoskeletal system, a practice referred to as osteopathic manipulative medicine (OMM). Admissions and Enrollment There are fewer D.O. programs than M.D. programs in the United States with about 20% of medical students entering D.O. programs each year. As compared with traditional medical school, osteopathic medical schools have a reputation for looking at the applicant, not just his or her statistics, and therefore likely to admit nontraditional applicants who are older, non-science majors or seeking a second career. The average GPA and MCAT scores for incoming students are slightly lower in osteopathic programs, but the difference is rapidly falling. The average age of entering osteopathic students is about 26 years (versus allopathic medical schools 24). Both require an undergraduate degree and basic science coursework before applying. Practicing osteopathic physicians make up seven percent of the United States medical physicians with over 96,000 practicing currently in the country. With enrollment in D.O. programs increasing steadily since 2007, though, it is expected that these numbers will climb in the coming years and more private practices will open that focus on this field of medicine.   The Real Difference The main disadvantage of choosing osteopathic medicine is that that you may find yourself educating patients and colleagues about your degree and credentials (i.e., that a D.O. is the equivalent of an M.D.). Otherwise, both receive the same level of legal benefits and are fully accredited to practice in the United States. Essentially, if you are hoping to choose between the two fields of study, you really just need to evaluate whether or not you believe in a more holistic, hands-on approach to medicine or the more traditional route of becoming a Doctor of Medicine. Either way, though, youll be a physician after completing your medical school degree and residency programs.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Great engineering acheivement ( airplanes ) Essay

Great engineering acheivement ( airplanes ) - Essay Example This paper aims at examining the timeline of the development of the airplane, the contribution of various engineers to this achievement and how airplanes have improved lives. In addition, this paper will examine some of the possible future developments on airplanes. The history of the development of the airplane dates back to the late nineteenth century when a German engineer named Otto Lilienthal started to experiment with gliders (National Academy of Engineering, 2014). During the same period, Octave Chanute, an American engineer also experimented with multiple gliders. Through these early experiments, Lilienthal and Chanute demonstrated that it was possible to have a controlled device in floating in air. In 1901, a gasoline-powered version of the tandem-winged aerodrome was built by Samuel Langley. In 1903, the Wilbur Wright and Orville Wright made the first powered and piloted flight in North Carolina. On this day, Wilbur flew for 852 over the ground in about 59 seconds. Ludwig Prandtl, a German professor, presented a paper in 1904 that described the concept of the ‘boundary layer’ (National Academy of Engineering, 2014). This is the molecular layer of air that is found on an aircraft’s wing. This paper was an important contribution in the study of aerodynamics. Eugene Ely piloted a Curtiss biplane on a takeoff from a ship in 1910. The following year, he was able to take off from shore and landed on a ship in California. These early planes required the assistance of the pilot to make them stable and travel in a straight line. The concept of the gyrostabilizer was introduced in 1914 by Lawrence Sperry. The gyrostabilizer was used to stabilize the plane and make it fly in a straight line without the assistance of a pilot. In 1916, Sperry, with the help of his father Elmer, demonstrated the first automatic pilot. Starting 1914 to 1918, many improvements in the structure and control of the airplane were

Friday, November 1, 2019

Birthday Project Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Birthday Project Assignment - Essay Example So my natural curiosity to research the historical importance of my year of the birth had become vital part of knowledge that would reveal how the year has significantly contributed towards making history. The research has divulged a plethora of information that has significantly shaped the future. The year started with it being declared as the World Communication Year (UN). The United Nations realized the importance of communication for socio economic development of under developed and developing countries. 1983 was proposed as World Communication Year for developing effective communication infrastructure across the globe. The computer giant, IBM also introduced PCDOS operating system for home computers and Microsoft had launched the MSWORD, the user friendly word processing software(IBM; Microsoft). Apple Computers also introduced new home computer, LISA with graphic interface (Apple Lisa). But the most important event of the year was the launch of first 1G network in Chicago, US with the first hand held mobile handset, Motorola DynaTac (bbc, 2003). The leap into the new communication system became the highlight of 1983. The cellular phone was accessible to the common man. This year will also go down in history for many of the Congress decisions for its serious commitment to eliminate racial discrimination. It was a year when the President Ronald Reagan signed a bill for declaring a public holiday to commemorate the memory of Martin Luther King Jr. Martin Luther King Junior is one of the greatest leaders of twentieth century who was able to make significant contribution to the civil rights of the African Americans. Inspired by Mahatma Gandhi of India, his belief in the value system and intrinsic faith in non violence became his biggest strength. He took up the cudgel to fight for the equal rights for all human being and became an